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Collection: Thich Nhat Hanh Books

Thich Nhat Hanh Books Made Me Sleep After 12 Years on Sleeping Pills

Discover the profound impact of Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings on sleep and inner peace. His words were a lifeline for me as I transitioned away from sleeping pills after years of searching — 12 years, to be exact — exploring every clinical trial and solution imaginable (354 trials, in case you’re wondering!).

Despite my determination, no study seemed accessible due to location or language. Yet, when I turned to Thich Nhat Hanh’s simple, powerful wisdom, especially his book on Fear, everything began to change.

His teachings, grounded and gentle, guided me back to sleep naturally and transformed my journey. His books are an extraordinary resource for anyone on a path to peaceful rest.

His teachings, grounded and gentle, guided me back to sleep naturally and transformed my journey. His books are an extraordinary resource for anyone on a path to peaceful rest.