My first week of 6.5h AVG sleep time after 11 weeks of tracking my sleep - Natural Sleep

My first week of 6.5h AVG sleep time after 11 weeks of tracking my sleep

I'm thrilled to share that I’ve finally reached an average daily sleep of 6.5 hours last week! Tracking my sleep for the past 11 weeks in my Sleep Diary, now available on Amazon, has made all the difference. Here’s how I’ve been doing it:

How I Track My Sleep:

  • Daily Logging: I have a schedule broken down into half-hour units for each day.
    • Asleep: I fill in the box with a 1.
    • In Bed, Not Sleeping: I fill in the box with a 0.
    • Not Asleep, Out of Bed: I leave the cells empty.
  • Calculating Sleep Hours: At the end of each sleep session, I count all the 1s and divide by 2 to determine the hours I slept. I also count the 0s to get the total hours spent in bed.
  • Weekly Averages: At the end of the week, I sum up all the hours I slept and divide by 7 for my average sleep hours. I do the same for the time spent in bed.
  • Sleep Efficiency: I divide the average time I slept by the average time in bed to get my sleep efficiency percentage.

This systematic approach has helped me understand my sleep patterns and improve my overall sleep quality.

Check out my Sleep Diary on Amazon and start your journey to better sleep today!

The sleep diary is available now on all the markets: US, IT.  Or on our


#BetterSleep #SleepTracking #SleepDiary #HealthySleep #SleepQuality #SleepEfficiency #SleepGoals


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